Page:Christian Science versus Pantheism.djvu/42

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Success in sin is downright defeat. Hatred bites the heel of love that is treading on its head. All that worketh good is some manifestation of God asserting and developing good. Evil is illusion, that after a fight vanisheth with the new birth of the greatest and best. Conflict and persecution are the truest signs that can be given of the greatness of a cause or of an individual, provided this warfare is honest and a world-imposed struggle. Such conflict never ends till unconquerable right is begun anew, and hath gained fresh energy and final victory.

Certain elements in human nature would undermine the civic, social, and religious rights and laws of nations I will and peoples, striking at liberty, human rights, and self-government — and this, too, in the name of God, justice, and humanity! These elements assail even the new-old doctrines of the prophets and of Jesus and his disciples. History shows that error repeats itself until it is exterminated. Surely the wisdom of our forefathers is not added but subtracted from whatever sways the sceptre of self and pelf over individuals, weak provinces, or peoples. Here our hope anchors in God who reigns, and justice and judgment are the habitation of His throne forever.

Only last week I received a touching token of unselfed manhood from a person I never saw. But since publishing this page I have learned it was a private soldier who sent to me, in the name of a first lieutenant of the United States infantry in the Philippine Islands, ten five-dollar gold pieces snuggled in Pears' soap. Surely it is enough for a soldier serving his country in that torrid zone to part with his soap, but to send me some of his hard-earned money