Page:Christian Science versus Pantheism.djvu/58

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Christ is One and Divine

Again I reiterate this cardinal point: There is but one Christ, and Christ is divine — the Holy Ghost, or spiritual idea of the divine Principle, Love. Is this scientific statement more transcendental than the belief of our brethren, who regard Jesus as God and the Holy Ghost as the third person in the Godhead? When Jesus said, “I and my Father are one,” and “my Father is greater than I,” this was said in the sense that one ray of light is light, and it is one with light, but it is not the full-orbed sun. Therefore we have the authority of Jesus for saying Christ is not God, but an impartation of Him.

Again: Is man, according to Christian Science, more transcendental than God made him? Can he be too spiritual, since Jesus said, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect”? Is God Spirit? He is. Then is man His image and likeness, according to Holy Writ? He is. Then can man be material, or less than spiritual? As God made man, is he not wholly spiritual? The reflex image of Spirit is not unlike Spirit. The logic of divine metaphysics makes man none too transcendental, if we follow the teachings of the Bible.

The Christ was Jesus' spiritual selfhood; therefore Christ existed prior to Jesus, who said, “Before Abraham was, I am.” Jesus, the only immaculate, was born of a virgin mother, and Christian Science explains that mystic saying of the Master as to his dual personality, or the spir-