Page:Christian Science versus Pantheism.djvu/83

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ward action; their religion was the great fact concerning them, the original beauty of holiness that to-day seems to be fading so sensibly from our sight.

To plant for eternity, the “accuser” or “calumniator” must not be admitted to the vineyard of our Lord, and the hand of love must sow the seed. Carlyle writes: “Quackery and dupery do abound in religion; above all, in the more advanced decaying stages of religion, they have fearfully abounded; but quackery was never the originating influence in such things; it was not the health and life of religion, but their disease, the sure precursor that they were about to die.”

Christian Scientists first and last ask not to be judged on a doctrinal platform, a creed, or a diploma for scientific guessing. But they do ask to be allowed the rights of conscience and the protection of the constitutional laws of their land; they ask to be known by their works, to be judged (if at all) by their works. We admit that they do not kill people with poisonous drugs, with the lance, or with liquor, in order to heal them. Is it for not killing them thus, or is it for healing them through the might and majesty of divine power after the manner taught by Jesus, and which he enjoined his students to teach and practise, that they are maligned? The richest and most positive proof that a religion in this century is just what it was in the first centuries is that the same reviling it received then it receives now, and from the same motives which actuate one sect to persecute another in advance of it.

Christian Scientists are harmless citizens that do not kill people either by their practice or by preventing the