Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/167

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1805. Standish O'Grady, (afterwards created Viscount Guillamore,)—Viscount Avonmore deceased,—Privy Seal, 5 Oct.—patent, 14 Oct.—Good behaviour.—Inr. 15 Oct.—45 George III. 2a p. 44. peg. R. 199.

1831. Right Hon. Henry Joy, Attorney-General,—Standish O'Grady resigned,—patent, 6 Jan.—1 William IV.

138. Right Hon. Stephen Woulpe, Attorney General,—Joy deceased,—patent, 20 July.—2 Victoria.


Hugh de Burgh, 3d Baron,—patent, 1335.—Pleasure.—9 Edward III. f. R. 5.

2d, John de Carleton,—patent, 1 Feb. 1336,(10.)—11 Edward III. 2a pars f. R. 1.

Robert Poer, one of the Barons,—having by petition set forth that he had performed divers services by direction of the Lord Justice and Council, he had a liberate for 100s. in recompense thereof, dated at Trim, February, 1342.—16 and 17 Edward III. f. R. 1. Also, 8 May, 1344, he had a liberate of £15 12s. as well for his service to the late King, as to the present, for a long time, as well in his office of Baron of the Exchequer, as in going to several places in the county of Meath, to state the accompts of the green wax pro-