Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/193

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Right Hon. W. C. Plunket revoked,—Privy Seal, 15 May,—patent, 21 May.—Pleasure.—Inr. 22 May.—47 George III. 3a p. 107. pag. R. 206.—Preaudience, place and precedence immediately after the Solicitor-General was granted to W. C. Plunket, in all places and upon all occasions as well in the Courts as elsewhere during pleasure.

1822. Right Hon. W. C. Plunket,—letters patent to W. Saurin revoked,—K. L. Cariton House, 15 Jan.—(Office Book, Irish Dep. Off. Westminster.)

1827. Henry Joy,—Lord Plunket appointed Ch. Just. C. P.—patent, 18 June.—8 Geo. IV.

1831. Francis Blackburne,—Joy, Ch. Baron,—patent, 11 Jan.—1 William IV.

1835. Louis Perrin,—Blackburne resigned,—patent, 29 April.—5 William IV.

1835. Michael O'Loghlen,—Perrin, Just. K. B.—patent, 31 August.—6 William IV.

1836. John Richards,—O'Loghlen appointed a Baron of the Exchequer,—patent, 10 Nov.—7 William IV.

1837. Stephen Woulfe,—Richards appointed a Baron of the Exchequer,—patent, 3 Feb.—7 William IV.

1838. Nicholas Ball,—Woulfe, Ch. Baron.—patent, 11 July.—2 Victoria.

1839. Maziere Brady,—Ball, Just. C. P.—patent, 23 Feb.—2 Victoria.