Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/245

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Sir Edward Bolton, Ch. B.
William Hilton.
James Barry.

At.-Gen.—Thomas Tempest.

Sol.-Gen.—Sir William Sambach.

Prime Sergeant.—Sir Maurice Eustace.

July 18. William Basil, At.-Gen. of the Commonwealth in all the Courts of Record in Ireland.

2 Car. II.—1650.

3 Car. II.—1651.
Aug. 19. Mr. Just. Hilton died.

4 Car. II.—1652.

5 Car. II.—1653.

6 Car. 11.—1654.

Car. II.—1655.
Miles Corbet, Ch. Baron.
Richard Pepys, Ch. Just, of the Upper Bench.
June 14. Richard Pepys, Ch. Just. U. B., Sir Gerard Lowther, Ch. Just. C. B., and Miles Corbet, Ch. Baron, Commissioners of the Great Seal.