Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/287

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Hon. James McClelland.
At.-Gen.—Right Hon. William Saurin.

Sol.-Gen.—Right Hon. Charles Kendal Bushe.

1st Sergt.—Henry Joy.

2d Sergt.—Charles Burton.

3d Sergt.—Thomas Lefroy.

Dec. 2. Charles Burton, Just. K. B.—Mayne resigned.
  3. Thomas Lefroy, 2d Sergt.

2 Geo. IV.— 1821.
Feb.   Thomas B. Vandeleur, 3d Sergt.
  Richard Pennefather, Baron,—George resigned.
June 20. Denis George, late Baron, died.—Gent. Mag. p. 647.

3 Geo. IV.—1822.
Jan. 15. Right Hon. W. C. Plunket, At.-Gen.—Saurin resigned.
Feb. 20 Right Hon. Charles Kendal Bushe, Ch. Just. K. B., in the room of Lord Downes, resigned.
Mar. 1. Henry Joy, Sol.-Gen.
  4. Thomas B. Vandeleur, Just. K. B.—St. George Daly, resigned.
May 13. Thomas Lefroy, 1st Sergt.—vice Joy.
  John Lloyd, 2d Sergt.