Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/290

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At.-Gen.—Right Hon. Henry Joy.

Sol.-Gen.—John Dogherty.

1st Sergt.—Thomas Goold.

2d Sergt.—Francis Blackhume.

3d Sergt. Edward Pennefather.

Dec. 23. Lord Plunket, Chancellor, Sir A. Hart resigned.
  23. Right Hon. John Dogherty, Ch. Just. C. P.
  Philip Cecil Crampton, Sol.-Gen.
Jan. 6. Right Hon. Henry Joy, Ch. Baron,—O'Grady resigned.
  8. Right Hon. Standish O'Grady, created Viscount Guillamore.
  11. Right Hon. Francis Blackhume, At.-Gen.
  18. Edward Pennefather, 2d Sergt.
  Michael O'Loghlen, 3d Sergt.
May 27. Baron McClelland died.—An. Reg. 1831, p. 240.

2 Wm. IV.—1831.
July 13. John Leslie Foster, Baron.
  27. Lord Norbury, late Ch. Just. C. P., died.—An. Reg. p. 251.
Dec. 6. Sir Anthony Hart, late Chancellor, ed.—An. Reg. p. 259.
Feb.   Edward Pennefather, 1st Sergt., in the room