Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/39

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Tight well beloyed, we greet you well, letting you witte, that upon certain considerations us moving, having assigned our right trusty and well heloved counsellor, the Lord of Trimletstown, to repair thither, we he contented that he shall continue in the office of our Chancellor. Wherefore we wool and command you, and every of you, not only to accept and esteem him as thereto appertaineth, and that ye the Master of our Rolls, deliver unto him our Great Seal, being now in your custody, but also ye our Deputy, permit and suffer him to enjoy the same roume, with all commodities, and preeminencies thereto belonging, and especially the nomination and disposition of such benefices of our gift as be under the yearly value of 20 marks Irish, as ye tender our pleasure, and will avoid the contrary. Given under our signet, at our city of Winchester, 26 September (1534). To our right trusty and well beloved Sir William Skeffyington, Knt., Deputy of our land of Ireland, and to our trusty and right well beloved all other of our Council there."—27, 28, 29, 30. f. R. 25.

John Alen, Master of the Rolls, Lord Keeper.—Lord Trimletstown deceased, 25 July, 1538,—patent, July 31, 1538.—" He was chosen by the Lord Deputy and council in the great chamber, within the hospital of Kilmainham."—28, 29, 30. fac. Roll 17, and 28, 31. R. 11. 12.—A new appointment of same,—patent, Westminster, October 18, 1538.—Behaviour,—fee, 100 marks sterling out of the customs of