Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/47

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Chancellor; you shall, before his acceptation thereof, take bonds of him to our use, in such sum as shall be fit in such a case, that he shall duly accomplish our intent and pleasure for the surrender of it in form aforesaid, &c. And whereas the Archbishoprick of Dublin shall be presently void with the said Chancellorship, by the revocation of the said now Abp., we have determined to confer the same, by way of translation, upon the Abp. of Armagh, authorizing you therefore to give order that he may fully enjoy the said Archbishoprick of Dublin, by way of translation, upon this vacation thereof. Dated at Westminster, 10 June, 1567."—9 d. R. 9.

Adam, Abp. of Dublin, L. K.,—Weston deceased, 29 May, 1573,—patent, 25 May, 1573, by the Lord Deputy and council. — Pleasure.—Original Fiant, 15 Eliz.

William Gerhard,—patent, Gorhambury, 23 April, 1576.—17 d. " with the Deanery of St Patrick's annexed."

Adam, Abp. of Dublin, L. K.,—Gerrard absent in England,—patent, 15 Sept. 1577;—again 10 Oct. 1579,—Fiant, 21;—and again, 21 Nov. 1579, with power to hear causes, &c., Piant, 22.—Same continued—Gerrard deceased,—patent, Weldhall, 16 August, 1581, 23 Eliz.—Same L. K.—Elected on Queen Elizabeth's death,—patent, 9 April, 1603.—1 Jac. I. 1a pars d. R. 3.—A new commission—Privy Seal, Holyrood