Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/87

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Patent 17 May, 1639. This recites the former patent of 22 March, 1633, and that his Majesty now, in consideration of his acceptahle services, granted and confirmed to him the said office with the said fee for life.—15 Car. I. 9a pars f. R. 13.

The Lord Deputy and Council to Mr. Secretary Cole.—"Sir: How inconvenient it is that there is not a place set apart here for the Court of Wards, as there are for his Majesty's other Courts of Justice here, you can easily judge, the Master, Attorney, and surveyor of that court having ever since the erection thereof to this time been forced to make use of the room where his Majesty's court of Chief Place is held for their place of judicature, in all causes arising before them; by which want it comes to pass that they cannot sit so frequently as they might do, nor at all but in the afternoons, by regard the King's Bench sits there in the forenoons, by which interruptions to their frequent meetings his Majesty's service in that court, which by the industry of his ministers here begins to yield him a considerable revenue, is more hindered than in reason is fit to be suffered. The want of treasuries for his Majesty's records of his four courts here is no less inconvenient than the former, and hath been an occasion of mighty hinderance to the King and the subject, in that many records whereof great use might have been made for the profit and service of his Majesty, and for the security and advantage of the subject, have by that means been lost and embezzled, and sometimes burnt,