Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/91

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of divers public officers and ministers of Ireland.—16 Car. II. 1a pars f. R. 33. An order for Ralph Wallis, to execute the Rolls office.—Whereas his most Gracious Majesty King Charles 11. of England, &c., by his Letters Patent, bearing date at Dublin, the 10 May, in the 16th year of his reign, did grant unto Sir William Temple, Bart, by the name of William Temple, the reversion of the ministerial part of the office of Master of the Rolls of the High Court of Chancery in Ireland, to commence after the death, surrender, or other avoidance of Sir John Temple, Knt., late master of the said office; and whereas the said Sir John Temple departed this life the 14 of November, 1677, and the said Sir William Temple being now employed about his Majesty's affairs beyond the sea, so that at the present he cannot appear to execute the office, which his Grace the Lord Chancellor and Court taking into consideration, and holding it necessary that some fit person should be employed to execute the said office during his absence, it is therefore ordered by his Grace the Lord Chancellor and Court, that Ralph Wallis who lately executed the said office under the said Sir John, do take into his care and charge all the records of the said office, and is hereby authorized to execute the said office as formerly he hath done under the said Sir John Temple, for and to the use and behoof of the said Sir William Temple, until further order, he the said Ralph Wallis taking the ensuing oath;—"You shall swear, that you