Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/13

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Thirteenth Century.

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XXV. From Layamon's Brut, mcciv., . . liii 155
XXVI. Welsh Chronicle, mccxi., . . . liv 161
XXVII. From Giraldus Cambrensis, De Instructione Principum, mccxiv., . . liv 163
XXVIII. From the Annals of Inisfallen, mccxv.,
XXIX. Chronicle of the Picts and Scots, mccli., .
XXX. The Metrical Chronicle, commonly called the Cronicon Elegiacum, mcclxx.,
XXXI. Legend of St. Andrew, mcclxxix.,
XXXII. Chronicle of the Picts and Soots, mcclxxx.,
XXXIII. Chronicle of Huntingdon, mccxc.,
XXXIV. Description of Scotland, mccxcii.-mccxcvi.,

Hv 167 Iv 171 Ivi 177 Iviii 183 Iviii 194 lix 209 214 Fourteenth Century. XXXV. From Tracts relating to the English Claims, Mcccr., .... XXXVI. Chronicle of the Picts and Scots, siccxvii., XXXVIT. Letter by the Barons of Scotland to the Pope, Mccxx., .... XXXVIII. Chronicle of the Scots, Mcccxxxiii.-iv., XXXIX. Chronicles of the Scots, McccxLvin., XL. Chronicle of the Scots, Fourteenth Century, XLI. Tract on the Scots of Dalriada, before MCCCLXXII., .... XLII. Tract on the Picts, before MccCLXin., XLIII. Tract on the Picts, before mcccxci., Ixi 216 Ixv 285 Ixvi 291 Ixvi 295 Ixvii 298 Ixvii 304 Ixviii 308 Ixviii 318 Ixviii 322 Fifteenth Century. XLIV. Tract on the Picts, before mcoccxviii., . Ixix 323 XLV. Tract on the Scots, with Metrical Pro- phecy, before Mcocxxxvii., . . Isix 330 XL VI. Metrical Chronicle, commonly called the Chronicon Rhythmicum, mcccoxlvii., Ixis 832 b