Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/130

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cxxii PREFACE. Donald brec, by his son Domangart, and giving him a reign of two or three years, and in placing after him AinbhceaUach, son of Ferchar fada ; but the " Irish Annals " do not mention Eocha, and record, under 698, the " Expulsio AinbhceaUach de regno," thus making him the immediate successor of his father. Donald, the son of Ewen, appears as king of Alclyde, and his father Ewen, or Eugene, is to be found in the genealogy of the Strathclyde kings, ^ and, in 722, the " Irish Annals " record the death of Bile Mac Elpin, king of Strathclyde. Position of Bede closes his history in the year 731, and up to inTsi.* '°"^ that date no change appears to have taken place in the condition of the four nations. He states, " Pic- " torum quoque natio tempore hoc et fcedus pacis " cum gente habet Anglorum, et catholicge pacis ac " veritatis cum universali ecclesia particeps exister» " gaudet. Scotti qui Brittaniam incolunt suis con- " tenti finibus nil contra gentem Anglonim insidia- " rum moliuntur aut fraudium. Brittones, quamvis " et maxima ex parte domestico sibi odio gentem " Anglorum, et totius catholicse ecclesise statum " Pascha minus recte moribusque improbis impug- " nent ; tamen et divina sibi et humana prorsus " resistente virtute, in neutro cupitum possunt ob- " tinere propositum ; quippe qui quamvis ex parte " sui sint juris, nonnuUa tamen ex parte Anglorum " sunt servitio mancipati" (Lib. v. c. xxiii.)