Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/132

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CXXIV PEEFACE. Constantin filius Urgust, . 35 Unuist filius Urgust, . .12 Drust filius Constantin et Talorgen filius Uthoil, . 3 Uen filius Unust, ... 3 Wrad filius Bargot, . . 3 Bred, 1 Constantin filius Fergusa, 42 Hungus filius Fergusa, 10 Dustalorg, .... 4 Eoganan filius Hungus. Ferat filius Batot, Brude filius Ferat, Kinat filius Ferat, Brude filius Fotel, Driest filius Ferat, 3 3 Ot^ 2 3 The first four kings correspond in both. They reigned in the period from the termination of the Anglic subjection of the Picts and Scots to the close of Bede's history. The main differences after that are, that the "Pictish Chronicle" gives the joint reign of Drest and Alpin for five years, and then the reign of Angus, son of Fergus, for thirty years ; while the other lists give, during this period, Gar- nad, son of Ferat, twenty-four years, followed by Angus, son of Fergus, only sixteen years ; again, the " Pictish Chronicle " gives Kenneth, the son of Uradech, twelve years, followed by Alpin, son of Uroid, three and a half years ; while the other lists make Alpin, son of Ferat, reign thirty or thirty- six years, embracing the whole period of Kenneth's reign. Again, the Latin lists insert a family, con- sisting of Angus, son of Brude, and Brude and Alpin, sons of Angus, who are unknown to the " Pictish " Chronicle ; " and, finally, they add three kings at the end of the list in addition to those in the " Pictish Chronicle." The "Pictish Chronicle" is entirely supported in