Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/140

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cxxxii PEEFACE. stantin, son of Fergus, succeeded by an Angus, son of Fergus, at the same time when the "Irish " Annals " record a Constantin, son of Fergus, king of Fortren, succeeded by an Angus, son of Fergus, king of Fortren ; and, finally, the two last Dalriadic kings are Aedh son of Boanta, and Euganan son of Angus ; while, in 839, the "Irish Annals" record a " battle by the Gentiles against the men of Fortren, " in which Euganan son of Angus, and Bran son of " Angus, and Aedh son of Boanta, and innumerable " others fell." These notices clearly identify the kings who followed Alpin in the older lists with the kings of Fortren and with the men of Fortren, who were undoubtedly Picts. The matter, therefore, stands thus, that by both lists the Scottish kings of Dal- riada terminate with Alj^in ; but in the Latin lists Alpin is brought down to the year 841, and identified with Alpin the father of Kenneth ; while by the older lists Alpin reigned from 736 to 741, and is followed by a list of eleven kings ; and the " Irish Annals " show that in 741 Dalriada had been completely conquered by the king of the Picts, and that the eleven kings who intervened between that Alpin and Kenneth Mac Alpin were of the Pictish race. That the lists of kings of Dalriada given by the " Synchronisms of Flann Mainistreach," and the " Albanic Duan," agreeing so entirely with each other, supported as they ai'e by the " Irish Annals," and in direct antagonism to the later forms of the Scottish fable, present the true history, can hardly be