Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/195

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PKEFACE. ekxxvii Echaid became king of Dalriada by the ejection of Dungal ; and probably the succession of the two brothers to their respective thrones was produced by the same revolution. Expelled from his Pictish territories in 728, he took refuge in Dalriada, where he succeeded the same Dungal, who had again ob- tained the throne. After the death of his brother Echach, and after he was again expelled from Dal- riada by the same Angus in 741, he seized upon the Pictish territory in Galloway, where he was slain after having subdued it. The father of Kenneth who lived a century later, bore likewise the Pictish name of Alpin, from which, as the chronicles are agreed in stating Kenneth, his son, to be of Scottish race, we may infer that his mother was Pictish. The " Chronicle of Hun- " tingdon " contains an account of events in the life of this Alpin and his son Kenneth which are not to be found elsewhere, and which have been adopted by Fordun. It states that, " in the year " 834, the Scots encountered the Picts on Easter " Day, when many of the Pictish nobles fell, and " Alpinus rex Scotorum was victorious, and that " on the 1 3th day of the Kalends of August in the " same year he was defeated by the Picts and slain. " That his son Kenneth, in the seventh year of his " reign, when the Danish pirates have occupied the " shores, destroyed the Picts with a great slaughter, " passed into the remainder of their territories, " turned liis arms against them, and having slain