Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/21

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PEEFACE. xiii added to them the " Legend of St. Andrew " (No. XVIII.) ; the "Metrical Prophecy" from the Col- bertiue MS. (No. xi.) ; the " Legend of St. Andrew," from the register of the priory of St. Andrews (No. XXXI.) ; and three pieces which had been fur- nished to him by Charles O'Connor of Belnagare, viz., the " Albanic Duan" (No. vi.) ; the extracts from the " Annals of Ulster " (No. XLViii.) ; and a very inac- curate copy of part of the Irish Nennius (No. v. d.) The pul^lication of the ancient " Irish Annals" by Doctor O'Connor in 1812, made the text of these valuable documents accessible to the public ; and in the " Collectanea de rebus Albanicis," published by the lona Club, a collection of extracts from these Irish annalists were printed along with a better text and translation of the " Albanic Duan ;" and a series of extracts from the Norse Sagas of all passages bearing upon the early history of Scotland. In 1848 the Irish version of Nennius was published, with a translation and copious notes, by the Irish Archaeological Society, and, in that work, various tracts bearing upon the early history of Scotland, contained in the Irish MSS., were brought to light ; and in the works printed for the Bannatyne and Maitland Clubs, several short chronicles, contained in MSS. in the British Museum, were contributed from time to time by the Eev. Joseph Stevenson ; but these are accessible only to their members. Such is the extent to which the ancient chronicles Plan of this and other early memorials of Scottish history have °^ '