Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/25

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PKEFACE. xvii of the Imperial Library, Paris ; and especially to Sir Thomas Phillipps, and Mr. Wynne, for the kind manner in which they made their valuable private collections available to him. Throughout the greater part of this work, the Editor has had the advantage of the valuable and ready assistance of the late Dr. Joseph Eobertson, who permitted liim to refer to him in all matters of doubt or difficulty; and it is while these sheets were passing through the press, that this distin- guished archseologist and able man has been taken from us. The Editor has also to record his thanks to the Eev. Dr. Eeeves of Armagh, Professor Con- nellan of Dublin, and Professor Cosmo Innes, for assistance which they readily afforded to him when he applied to them. 11. The Chronicles and Memorials contained in this account of collection are placed in chronological order, so far^^nflxD as the Editor has been enabled, from indications m™okial3 INSERTED IN aflforded by each document, to determine the this collec- period at which it was probably compiled, and the date so assigned to it is placed after the title of the document. This date is to some extent conjectural ; but the reasons which led the Editor to assign it will be stated in the account of each piece. This date has no reference whatever to the date of the MSS. from which the documents are printed, the oldest copy found being often