Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/39

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PEEFACE. xxxi the kings of Dalriada in Scotland, and the subse- quent kings of Scotland down to Malcolm the Second. These synchronisms were continued by another hand to the death of Muircheartach O'Brien in 1119, sixty-five years after Flann's death. The synchronisms with their continuation are preserved in the " Book of Lecain," a MS. of 1418, and the Editor has found another copy in the older " Book of Glendaloch," in the Bodleian (Eawlinson, B. 512). There is, however, a MS. in the Kilbride Collection, in the Advocates' Library, which gives the synchronisms, without the continuation, terminating with Malcolm the Second, who died during the life of Flann ; and as the rest of this ms. consists of poems which are the undoubted works of Flann himself, there seems little reason to doubt that it contains the work of Flann in its original shape. Professor Currie considers that these poems and prose pieces were written between the years 1014 and 1023. The lists of the kings of Scotland contained in the synchronisms are now printed from these Mss. for the first time. Since the text of this work has gone to press, the Editor has found another copy of the synchronisms, corresponding with those in the Kilbride MS., in ms. Eawlinson, B. 486, in the Bod- leian, a MS. of the fourteenth century.^ 5. Irish and Pictish Additions to the " His- iiish aud Pict- ish additions to the " Historia ' In page 22 the Editor has omitted to notice that b and c in- sert after Dub mac Malecolaim — A ear mac Maelcolaim. This king Britonum." does not occur in a nor in the Hst in MS. Bodl. , RawHnson, B. 486.