Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/46

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xxxviii PEEFACE. MS. of 1650, and Dr. Todd's translation is adopted, with some modifications. The last stanza of the poem appears to be a later addition. The Chronicle 7. ThE ChRONICLE OF MaEIANUS ScOTUS. The Scotus. Mss. of Marianus Scotus in this country, and the usual printed copies, do not contain the passages here printed, with the exception of the well-known passage regarding Macbeth, in 1040. They are, however, contained in the version of his chronicle, edited by Waiz, in Pertz's magnificent collection of historians, from the Vatican MS., which he con- siders the autograph. This MS. is not accessible to the Editor, but he has printed these passages from that MS., because they are of great importance for the histoiy of Scotland : first, as containing the earliest notice of the name of Scotia applied to this country ; and, secondly, because Marianus, having been born in the reign of Malcolm the Second, in the year 1028, and having died in that of Malcolm the Third, in the year 1081, is narrating events which occurred in his own lifetime. The Annals of 8. The Annals OF TiGHERNAC. — These anuals ig ernac t^qj-q written by Tighernac of Cloinmacnois, who died in the year 1088, and were continued ])y a subsequent hand to the year 1178. The text of these annals was first made public by Dr. O'Con- nor, who printed them, but somewhat incorrectly, from two MSS. in the Bodleian. Besides these MSS., there is a later MS. of these annals in Trinity College, Dublin, and an older fragment of a part