Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/59

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PEEFACE. U with these pieces in the Colbertine MS., interweaves quotations from them with a few words from Giraldus and other writers, to which alone the names prefixed apply. From the reference to Andrew, Bishop of Caith- ness, as nacione Scotus, the author was not a Scotchman, and from his using Romane instead of Anglice, in reference to the word Scottewattre, he was probably an Angle. The tract is apparently of the same date, if not by the same author, as the previous chronicle. 18. Legend of St. Andrew. — This tract was Legend of first printed by Pinkerton in the appendix to his introduction of the History of Scotland, and is here reprinted from the Colbertine MS. It belongs evi- dently to the same period with the two previous tracts. Mr. Dufi'us Hardy, in his descriptive catalogue of materials relating to the history of Great Britain and Ireland, mentions another copy of this tract as existing in a MS. of the twelfth or thirteenth century, belonging to Lord Gosford. The Editor has made every efi'ort to obtain access to this MS., but without success ; the impression, however, made upon his mind by the title quoted by Mr. Hardy is, that it is a later and not an earlier version of this tract. 19. Continuation of the Annals of Tigher- continuation NAC. — -This extract is taken from the continuation "f T^titmal of the "Annals of Tighernac," from the year 1088 to the year 1178. They have not hitherto been