Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/63

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PEEFACE. Iv son, B. 503). The dates on the margin of this MS. are in a late hand. The chronology of the Annals is indicated by the occasional occurrence of a date, and the repetition of the letters Kl., marking each sue ceediug year, and the dates contained in O'Connor's copy, are added by him as the corresponding years ; but, as the years marked by the letters KL, in which no events are recorded, seem to be frequently omitted, this does not aiford an accurate clue to the real dates, which thus occasionally fall far behind the true date. The dates on the margin of these extracts are taken from the " Annals of Ulster." ^ 29. Chronicle of the Picts and Scots.— This chronicle of 1 • T • 1 pji • • 1T111 the Picts and chronicle is also one oi the six pieces published by s^ot^ Innes in his appendix, from the register of the priory of St. Andrews. The principal register, ac- cording to Dalrymple, has been missing ever since 1660, when it was last seen in the hands of James Nairn, minister at the abbacy of Holyrood House. A list of the contents of the register, and some ex- tracts from it, had been previously taken, and passed into the library of Sir Eobert Sibbald, who commu- cated them to Innes. Sibbald's MS. seems also to be now missing ; but a copy, taken from it, is preserved in the Harleian MS., 4628. This copy must have been written in or after the year 1708.^ The title » In the text, p. 167, the Editor has inadvertently omitted to insert the date of the compila- tion of these Annals, Mf;cxv., after the title. - The MS. contains a copy of a dissertation by the Earl of Cro- marty, which he presented to the General Assembly in 1708.