Page:Chronicles of the Picts, chronicles of the Scots, and other early memorials of Scottish history.djvu/95

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trict of Moravia, consisting of Murray and Ross; and west of it extended the great district of Ergadia, divided from it by the montes qui dividunt Scotiam ab Arregaithel. This district extended as far north as Loch Broom, and seems to have consisted of three parts: the southern part, Ergadia quæ ad Scotiam pertinet; the middle part, Ergadia quæ ad Moraviam pertinet; and the northern part, Ergadia Borealis quæ est comitis de Ros. It was also termed Oirirgael and Oirir Alban, and was divided into Oirir an deas, or the southern Oirir, and Oirir an tuaith, or the northern Oirir. West of this, in the sea, lay the Inchegall, or Western Isles, termed by the Norwegians the Sudreyar, or Sudreys.[1]

  1. In the "Description of Britain " (No. xxiv.), the provinces within the limits of Scotland are thus enumerated: from Tede to Forth, (1) Loonia and (2) Galweya, then (3) Albania tota, que modo Seocia vocatur, et (4) Moronia, et (5) omnes insule oecidentales oceani usque ad Norwegiam et usque Daciam, scilicet, Kathenessia, Orkaneya, Enchegal, et Man, et Ordas, et Gurth, et eetere insule occidentalis oeceani circa Norwegiam et Daciam." In one of the laws of King William the Lyon (de lege que vocatur Clarermathan) these provinces are very clearly indicated. It commences—"De catallo furato et calumpniato statuit dominus Rex apud Perth quod in quacutique proiniicia sit inventum," etc. It then refers to them thus:—"Si ille qui calumpniatus est de catallo furato vel rapto vocat warentum suum aliquem hominem manentem inter Spey et Forth vel inter Drumalban et Forth," that is, a district bounded by the Spey, Drumalban, and Forth. Then we have "Et si quis ultra illas divisa valet in Moravia vel in Ros vel in Katenes vel in Ergadia vel in Kintyre." Then we have "Ergadia que pertinet ad Moraviam." Then "Si calumpniatus vocaverit warenturn aliquem in Ergadia que pertinet ad Scociam tunc veniat ad Comitem Atholie," showing that the part of Ergadia next Athole was said to belong to Seocia as distinguished from Moravia. Then we have "Omnes illi qui ultra Forth manserint in Laudonia vel in Galwedia." In