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"G E N T L E M E N , — I am happy at length to find myself in the district of Port Phillip. I feel greatly obliged to you for the very kind and cordial reception which you have given me, and I thank you particularly for this Address. " M y stay, gentlemen, amongst you must necessarily be shorter than I could desire it to be ; but it will be, I trust, sufficiently prolonged to enable m e to form an opinion of the resources of your province, and of the improvements of which it is susceptible, as also of its immediate wants. " T o become better acquainted with these latter is one of the chief objects of m y visit; to satisfy them as far as the means at m y disposal will permit, I trust I need not say is m y very anxious desire. " Favoured as you are with a district of exceeding beauty and fertility, I cannot doubt that the onward course of your prosperity will be as steady as thefirstdevelopment of it has been striking; and I shall, indeed, gentlemen, bear away with m e a grateful recollection of Australia Felix, if I may permit myself to hope that my visit has in any way tended to advance your interests, or to confirm and strengthen those feelings of unanimity and mutual confidence which are no less necessary for the happiness of individuals than for the prosperity of States."

The Levee.

This was the first ceremonial of the kind in Port Phillip, and, as it has become such a timehonoured Institution in every Dependency of the British Crown, it may be worth while to preserve the names of those who attended on an occasion memorable as the precursor of the series of similar loyal demonstrations which have since taken place in the colony. The following gentlemen were presented to His Excellency by the Aide-de-Camp in waiting:— Messrs. Andrew, A. ; Abercrombie ; Atkinson, H. H. ; Archdall, M . W . F. ; Addis, Lieut. R. N.; Airey, George; Arden, George; Buchanan, S. ; Boyd, T. E.; Ballingall, James; Bonney, C.; Brewster, E. J. ; Baylie, W . H. W . ; Browne, S. J.; Bunbury, Captain ; Clarke, Thomas ; Cussen, Dr.; Condell, Henry; Cole, G. W . ; Carfrae, M.; Clutterbuck, Dr.; Cavenagh, George; Conolly, J. M . ; Campbell, Lyon J. D. ; Carrington, H. N.; Clay, F. L ; Craig, Skene ; Crowe, J. ; Drummond, Peter; Drummond, M . ; Darke, W . W . ; Denny, J. O. ; Dutton, F. S. ; Dutton, W . H. ; Deane, Robert ; Erskine, J. A. ; Ebden, C. H. ; Foster, L. ; Forbes, Rev. James (Presbyterian Minister); P'awkner, J. P. ; Fennell, R. ; Foster, J. F. L. ; Griffiths, G. R. ; Geoghegan, Rev. P. B. (Roman Catholic Pastor); Griffith, Chailes; Graham, James ; Gurner, H. F. ; Harper, W . M . ; Hawkey, M . ; Heape, Benj.; Hoddle, R. ; Hawdon, J.; Hardy, William; Halloway; James, N.; Jamieson, H.; Kirsopp; Kemmis, A.; Kerr, W m . ; Kirkland, J. D.; Kelsh, D. ; Kitson, H. H. ; Lonsdale, Captain W m . ; Locke, W . ; Langhorne, A. ; Le Soueff, C. H.; Lewis, Capt. ; M'Crae, F. Dr.; M'Crae, Capt. ; Marsden, J. A. ; McArthur, D. C. ; M'Arthur, D. G. ; Macvitie, W . V.; Murray, Hon. Erskine; Murray, Hon. R. Dundas ; Munro, David; Murchison, J.; M'Kenzie, Capt. R.; Manton, F.; Macfarland, James ; Miller, J. ; M'Arthur, James, jun.; Maclachlan, Captain; M'Killop, A.; Minton, Captain, Morris, H. B.; Malcolm, J.; Meek, W . ; Meyer, Dr.; Montgomery, J.; Nutt, T. H.; Neville ; Orr, A. ; Ocock, R. ; Orton, Rev. J. (Wesleyan Minister); Orr, J.; Petrie, John ; Patterson, J. H.; Pentland, C. ; Palmer, J. F. ; Porter, J. A. ; Porter, G. ; Porter, G. W . ; Peers, J. J.; Robinson, G. A.; Rawson, Samuel; Russell, Andrew; Riddell, J. C.; Ryrie, W.; Roach, Captain; Russell, Robert; Rattenbury, J. ; Sanford, C. J. ; Sewell, Edward; Simson, D. C. ; Stafford, Edward ; Stephen, J. ; Smythe, G. D. ; Sconce, R. K. ; Stafford, J. ; Sayers, E. M. ; Smyth, Captain ; St. John, Major; Smith, James; Stevenson, C. B. ; Smith, J. A.; Simpson, J.; Sullivan, Lieut.; Thomson, Rev. A. C. (Episcopalian Minister); Thomas, D. J. ; Thorpe, Abel; Tyssen, H.; Thomas, W m . • Vignolles, F. D. ; Verner, W . ; Winter, George; Welsh, P. W . ; Were, J. B. ; Wills, T. ; Watson, Dr. • Williams, Charles; Wigmore, Capt; Webster, J.; Westgarth, W.; Were, George; Walford, F.; Wilkinson, Rev. S. (Wesleyan Minister); Wilson, Rev. J. Y. (Episcopalian Minister); Wight, E. B. ; Wilmot Dr. • Williams, O.; Waterfield, Rev. W . (Independent Minister). Of these 150 gentlemen who forty years ago made their devoirs to the Queen's representative but few of them are now living.