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contributed for'the building, with instructions to apply to the Government for a site for the Hospital, for aid in erecting the building, in terms of the Government regulation of the ist March, 1839, and to take all other steps necessary to the establishment of an Hospital : — E . J. Brewster, E s q , J.P.; J. D. L. Campbell, Esq, J.P.; Robert Deane, Esq.; Rev. P. B. Geoghegan ; J. W . H o w e y , Esq.; Arthur K e m m i s , E s q , J.P.; W . Lonsdale, Esq, J. P.; F. Manton, Esq.; A. M . M'Crae, Esq.; A. M'Killop, Esq.; D. C. M'Arthur, Esq.; Rev. J. Orton; D. Patrick, Esq, M . D . ; J. H . Patterson, Esq. ; J. Simpson, E s q , J.P.; Rev. W . Waterfield; J. B. Were, Esq, J.P.; P. W . Welsh, Esq.; T. Wills, E s q , J.P. Secretaries :-Rev. A. C. Thomson, Rev. James Forbes.") A s a historical curiosity, is appended the code of " Proposed Principles," which it was intended by the founders should form the basis of the constitution of the Charity. This was afterwards considerably modified at various times by altering the cash qualifications, abolishing cumulative voting, and in many other particulars :— 1. T h e government of the Institution shall be vested in a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, fifteen Directors, and two Secretaries, elected by and from a m o n g the donors and Annual Subscribers. The Treasurer and Secretaries shall be Directors ex officio. 2. T h e Directors shall have power to appoint the medical and other officers,fixtheir salaries from time to time, keep up the requisite establishment of house servants, regulate the amount to be paid by contributing patients, and generally transact all the ordinary business ofthe Institution. 3. T h e Directors shall have power to admit poor persons gratuitously to the benefits of the Institution, on being satisfied of their inability to contribute to their maintenance. 4. T h e President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretaries shall be elected triennially, to be eligible for re-election. 5. One-third of the Directors shall retire annually by rotation, but shall be re-eligible. (Those retiring at the end of thefirstyear shall be the Directors w h o have attended least regularly during the year; those retiring at the end of the second year, the original Directors, w h o in like manner have given least attention to the business, and in subsequent years by rotation.) 6. Vacancies in any of the offices shall befilledup at the next general meeting after such vacancy has occurred. 7. A general meeting ofthe subscribers shall be held in the month of January in each year, for the election of Directors and other officers (if need be), to which meeting shall be reported the proceedings of the past year, the condition of the Institution, and the state of the funds. 8. Donors to the amount of ^"50 shall be considered Life Subscribers, and as such shall be entitled to vote, and have four votes, in the election of Directors, and at all general meetings ofthe subscribers. 9. Donors of twenty guineas shall be considered Five Years' Subscribers, and be entitled to vote, and have three votes for such period, in the election of Directors, and at all general meetings of the subscribers. 10. Donors of ten guineas towards the erection of the building shall be considered as T w o Years' Subscribers, and be entitled to vote, and have three votes for such period, in the election of Directors, and at all general meetings of the subscribers. Donors of less amount shall have the same privileges for one year as Annual Subscribers of the same amount. n . Annual Subscribers of one guinea shall possess one vote—ditto of two guineas, two votes—ditto offiveguineas, three votes—ditto often guineas, four votes in the election of Directors, and at all general meetings of the subscribers. 12. Ministers in charge of congregations in the province, making annual collections for the Institution, shall have the same privileges as if they were donors to the amount of their collection. 13. N o one person shall ever have more than six votes. 14. Annual Subscribers, whose subscriptions are in arrear, shall not be entitled to vote in the election of Directors. 15. At general meetings and elections of Directors it shall be competent to vote by proxy. 16. A n y five of the Directors, or twenty Annual Subscribers, m a y call a general meeting of subscribers at any time, on a public notice of ten days, specifying the object for which such meeting IS CtlliCCL