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The Grand United Order of Oddfellows. Band. Lodge Banner. Ordinary Members of the "Victoria" Lodge and "Prince of W a l e s " Lodge. Warden and Conductor of " Prince of Wales " Lodge. Secretaries carrying Scrolls. Vice-Grand and his Supporters with Wands. Dispensation carried by Inner and Outer Guards. Noble Grand and Supporters with W a n d s . Noble Father and Supporters. Union Jack. Ordinary Members of the "Felix " Lodge. Warden and Conductor of "Felix" Lodge. Secretaries carrying Scrolls. Vice-Grand and Supporters with W a n d s of Office. Dispensation borne by Guardians. Noble Grand and Supporters with Wands. Noble Father and Supporters. Union Jack. District Delegates. District Treasurer and Secretary. Cushion and Bible and

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.% District Guardians s: (S with swords. District Master with the Deputy. All Past District Masters. T h e Australian Independent Order of Oddfellows. The Melbourne " Duke of York " and " Loyal Fitzroy " Lodges. O.G. with sword. ^ T h e Banner. Junior Members, two and two. Secretary of "Fitzroy" Lodge with Dispensation. Secretary of " D u k e of York" Lodge with the picture of Justice. Secretaries, supported by Junior and Senior Wardens, with sword and battle-axe. Members of the White Degree, two and two. W . G . with cushion and Bible, supported by a W . G . and P.N.G. Members of the Blue degree two and two. V.G. "Fitzroy " Lodge, with supporters and wands. V.G. " D u k e of York" Lodge, with supporters and wands. Members of the Scarlet Degree, two and two. N . G . "Fitzroy" Lodge, with supporters and wands. N.G. " D u k e of York" Lodge, with supporters and wands. Past Officers. Members of the Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows, with white gloves, sashes and aprons, Outside Guardians with swords. Wardens. Secretary with scroll. Past Vice Grands. A Vice-Grand, with Bible and time-glass. Vice-Grands and supporters. Grand Masters, with wands. Past-Grands. Noble Grands. Secretary. Past Corresponding Secretary, with Scroll. Past Provincial Deputy Grand Masters. Provincial Deputy Grand Masters. Past Provincial Grand Masters. Provincial Grand Master. T w o Inside Guardians, with swords. The Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons in the following order :— Four Tylers. Banner of Faith. Masters of Ceremonies. Terrestrial and Celestial Globes. Entered Apprentices. Fellow Crafts. Deacons with wands. Secretary with Roll. Treasurer with Bag. Six Masters. Corinthian Light. Junior Wardens. Six Masters. Doric Light. Senior Wardens. Banner of Hope. Cornucopia. Pitcher with Wine. Pitcher with Oil.

o The Choir. Stewards. Architect and Builder. Bible, Square, and Compasses. «> a Banner of Charity. Chaplain. Installed Masters. Ionic Light. Book of Constitutions. ~ >. Royal Arch Masons. Past Masters. Masters. Inner Guardians. Band. 52 Clergy of all Denominations. Retired Naval and Military Officers. < § The Secretary of Benevolent Asylum. The Committee with White Favours. p" Civil Officers of Government. Heads of Departments. Magistrates of the City. Magistrates of the Territory. The Mayor and Corporation. Members of the Legislative Council. His Honor the Resident Judge. Aides-de-Camp. -{ His Honor the Superintendent. r Aides-de-Camp. Military.

It was a splendid sight, and to a person viewing it from an elevation near the Western Market the couptfasilwas very imposing. T h e Oddfellows unfurled a large flag on a blue ground, which was much admired. S o m e of the "Teetotal" streamers were very good, but there was one blank, the absence of the banners of^ the St. Patrick's Society, emblems of the " Emerald Isle," a chief attraction at the Hospital demonstration. T h e procession was more than a mile long, and was a most successful spectacular exhibition. O n arriving at the destination the school children occupied the area of the intended building; the Masonic body the east side; the Manchester Unity the north ; the Oddfellows the west; the Total Abstainers, the Salford Unity, and other Rechabites the south side of the space. T h e authorities were placed in front of the platform. O n the west side a platform was erected for the ladies, but through a queer arrangement, the reporters were cooped up along with the "fairer portion of creation," so that between the chattering of the