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By a happy notion, the occasion yvas made a double debt to pay, by uniting it to a Farming Industrial Exhibition at the same place and time, prizes only to be given for exhibits, the property of subscribers to the funds of the Association. T h e show of stock and produce yvas consequently limited, but the result was not the less encouraging. At five o'clock the Judges of this branch of the day's proceedings, Messrs. Hassell, Brown, and Wippel, announced their decision to b e — FOR WHEAT.

The best sample, a gold medal valued at £5, to Messrs. Forrester and Monteith, of the River Plenty. T h e second best sample of yvheat, a silver medal value £ 3 , to Mr. P. M'Cracken. T h e best sample of barley, a gold medal, to Messrs. Forrester and Monteith. T h e best sample of oats, gold medal, Mr. Dougal M'Phail, of Spring Hill, Saltyvater River. STOCK.

The best team of horses, gold medal, of £5, to Messrs. Forrester and Monteith. T h e second best team of horses, silver medal, to M r George Green, of the Merri Creek T h e best two-year-oldfilly,silver medal, to Mr. Armstrong, of the Moonee Ponds. T h e best mare, gold medal, to Mr. John Broyvn, of the Plenty River. T h e second best mare, silver medal, to Mr. John Nicholson, Keilor. T h e best team of bullocks, a silver medal, to Mr. Myers, of the Merri Creek. T h e attendance was almost exclusively confined to those interested in agricultural pursuits, and the day's proceedings evidenced the vast advance made by the Province. T h e day closed with a spread at the Flemington Hotel, under the superintendence of Mr. John Yeyvers, a noted Melbourne caterer. THE VICTORIA HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY.

This Society was mainly inaugurated by Mr. John Pascoe Fayvkner. The meeting at which it was formed was held on the 25th November, 1848, in a long-vanished tavern, knoyvn as the Queen's Head, situated at the western side of Queen Street, mid-yvay between Collins and Pittle Flinders Streets. T h e attendance was more select than numerous, and Mr. Fayvkner acted as chairman. A resolution was adopted " T o establish an Association, to be called The Victoria Horticultural Society," and Messrs. J. P. Fawkner, King, G. Cole, D. Duncan, J. Cole, Barrett, and O'Neill were appointed a Provisional Committee to report progress to an adjourned meeting on 9th December. T h e projected Institution evidently found much favour, for at itsfirstelection of officers His Honor the Superintendent yvas elected Patron, the Mayor (W. M . Bell) President, and Mr. R e d m o n d Barry, Tce-President; Hon. Secretary, Mr. J. P. Fawkner ; Treasurer, Mr. D. C. McArthur; and Auditors, Messrs. Henry Ginn and William Hull. AVork yvas at once commenced, and the rules were prepared and printed; yet the Society during the year 1849 partly dropped out of the public mind. A reaction set in, and the Secretaryship changed hands from Fawkner to Ginn, evidently to the advantage ofthe Society. T h efirstannual meeting yvas held on the 5th January, 1850, at the Mechanics' Institution, presided over by the Patron (Mr. Latrobe). Some alteration in the rules were approved of, and the following Board of Management (practically thefirst)was appointed :-Patrons, their Honors the Superintendent and the Resident Judge (A'Beckett); President, the Mayor for the time being; Vice-Presidents, Messrs. R e d m o n d Barry, AVilliam Firebrace, and James Simpson; Auditors, Messrs. Archibald M'Lachlan and P. Stevenson ; Treasurer, Mr. AVilliam Hull; Honorary Secretary, Mr. Henry Ginn; Committee, Messrs. J. D. Pinnock, Barrett, D. C. McArthur, J. Jordan, Dallochy, J. Hawdon, H . G. Ashurst, T. Dickson, H . Moor, C. Hutton, D r u m m o n d , and D. Ogilvie.