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T w o hats, one from the fur of the opossum, and one from wool, Mr. Penzel. A church tablet, Mr. AVarble. Tyvo specimens of wicker work, by Mr. G u m m e r . A n application was made to the Government for a site as a Show Ground, and in August, four acres of land off the Sydney Road, and opposite the University, were given on a ten years' lease. T h e members numbered 400 and the movement had been m u c h enhanced by the establishment of a Geelong Committee of Management. T h e medals yvere not procurable in Melbourne, which made it necessary to order them from Hobart Town. T h efirstyear's receipts yvere £ 3 6 4 8s. 6d.; and the balance in hand yvas £ 6 9 6s. 2d. The liabilities yvere £ 1 2 7 , and yvhen discharged would leave a balance of £ 2 2 13s. 2d. Thanks yvere offered to the Lieutenant-Governor for his grant of a Show Ground and promise of medals and money. THE SECOND EXHIBITION

Was held at Geelong on the 24th September, 1851, and though not the success anticipated, yvas far from being a failure. Amongst the articles displayed yvere some specimens of polished marble obtained at Lime Burners' Point, by Mr. Reynolds ; several boxes of minerals collected by Dr. Bruhn, and a model bird-cage by Mr. Hardyvick. A Mr. Stratford yvas awarded a gold medal for a curiously exquisite yvork table, the top of which consisted of 291 pieces of colonial woods, of tyventy-four sorts, exclusive of the border fashioned out of colonial myrtle. It yvas m u c h admired and purchased for £ 1 8 by Mr. Gore, yvho fonvarded it to England. The other prizes were thus adjudged :— HORSES.

Gold medals :—Mr. Mercer, for best thoroughbred imported stallion. Mr. T h o m a s Austin, for best thoroughbred colonial mare. Mr. C. J. Dennys, for best imported cart stallion. Messrs. Drysdale and Neyvcome,forbest colonial bred cart stallion. Mr. James Austin, best for colonial bred cart mare. Large silver medals : — M r . Moore, for second best colonial bred cart stallion. Mr. David Fisher, second best colonial bred cart mare. CATTLE.

Gold medal to Mr. James Austin, for best colonial bred cow for grazing; and large silver medal to Mr. C u m m i n g for best colonial bred cow for dairy purposes. RAMS AND EWES.

Gold medal to Mr. Thomas Austin, for the best four rams in their wool, imported from Europe; and large silver medal for the second best sample. Gold medals to Mr. AV. C. Yuille, for pen of 15 best colonial bred rams in their wool, and for like sample of ewes. A gold medal yvas recommended to Mr. Otto Newhauss for an imported ram. Mr. C u m m i n g obtained one large and one small silver medal for thefirstand second best exhibits of domestic fowls. LEATHER.

Two large silver medals to Messrs. Smith and Kirk, for the best bale of calf and kangaroo skins. ANIMAL PRODUCE.

Large silver medals to Mrs. Fisher, for the best butter ; Messrs. Trotter and AVood, the best two flitches of bacon : and Messrs. Jackson, Rae and C o , the two best samples of brown soap and candles.