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nB3ap*a , i ***Ji-»'?M'«PBMi»i'jf>»yigwaw.5

•itfjitf-JAlT AP.JI, D 19.rP

'(VO-Juj.«.ii i

RUM32.R-1& •wc»

P iK U n !er<ij.!r,l li jj«-to rjtl tie i'l-l;C<' m f T h * !>n'J. g b'j.,i en,,,f tteneeca, i» ""* ' "' " »* a re hek-ei*. a iioatatiil t « > > M e n ! n rea(inie«« fin.thtwr&uA guiitr I IHII. i between Aleut....r i>" an>l Lain--—• » « r V " % -.«t'lrr s u m * ill'l r e i r w i n i iias^.^ern between * one ul it e tamet-t »„ i, g craft in f u» u>~ „ - W # t«- lowi, rmj n,^ np|i"*il£ (teach. ' Shippers l g u w » u i | ( v| »M)rir'^ f»'ii, l»Vu»l «rog-«.t- convey* |ta9<engefi) tnd l.ugj .ge m .}e>!bparn^. fcnee ntt>Hecu AlclOourue alio l.o.'.ncts.mi, JI t w r^AS Ain> y to C A P T , , M B 4 1 L . W lliam.% T o w n , .J.rclt 2 Ir.l I 138. M » >...,.r„e •«•,„,rv -'4' ISMS N . U. X o uUcuo't i-J'd to • a liokt*tt;ithe beali.

C73 SA1AJ A T Tii li 38;i^|3DU^^( .?Will continue to trade Seiween he I'orta of M Shclirne ao.o l.aitncesion, at the Kit |>„CM0 Ire'ghl oi' I W o Futii.dper J'un, W o o * aefli ..vie per bnteri-rile will he stored and «liippeU i' »*ii o u n e ireeof e*pence to It egro«<er, g.iol* Irnm t ».tnie*ioi* w, I he caietully honwu" ,.i a lu« »ale, Thia '.>,«ei ha.* bee-, i S o a-.o a liaf consUiiliJ employed it> tins Iraile, 311J l m IK«I.T ilaiiuge-i i m j p*i 01 liei ca.-go. Appn ! "d, ISo.irne of'. P, I A W K N K U „l taut:- ..u», o/J.'C. U.Olitl»> U O l >

NOT U K T h e "iii!er«ign?d b i"£ l|«nl to U?ive ihe Colony Sj s!>- ri at »!•!> rl'i.iilJTi req-.eais that a!l claims both, againai It u;«*H I idsif '.lual'y, ami a!«o 0;>ai.>«l llie firm ol W i L « 

  • •>.(• K Y R K , bw i.irili >ith rendered tor adjti<lmeit', HII.S ail

per«c a 'tide "led lu * lie- ».ud linn are rttpieaied to nettle Stieir ^ce-iun a forthwith.


Col'i a-ntre"'. Me'hwuriM*, Mirrb, 13, ISi-i.

WIMES. Clsret, in 3 iloiei ra -». KoitieJ Sherry in 3 dojert e-!ek'. iV.'i oiirrry inca*k«. Melbourne March Ihe 83«!. H 3 8 A p p l y IK H . Cooper lilack •: mfe |tf.», ^ a i d »• «io, Sii-toot it do. G ' e -n a m i -litre - h o m i n g do. <lo. ttucli^kiii Oiyii) anil otitic in..ey Pfowi r* do. I lark & Bl.le 1,1 ill do. I'l»«k cio'h i, aij,!c- a!» ! •iant'.rooii an ( M « a i ciotl ) • - 't' "<! »ho •..r<• Supeifiie Hlue l"lq in .tmkrig (.'ttlioireti Ktik WeiWeuata S<*in<down ai.-il ! i:i'.Miet do ^! 'le>k,ii t'or.lnrtpy ami tl.'.k V <ii»nt$ Shi! .liiijj C-d«i» <lt 'lu., Jacket* MICI !,ock frocks Fancy Regei a and while .Stn.-is Superfine Heaver IIB!B IMIM k anii dra't gtjS>L>!lj--r do, M t.ulla C a p * B'^nkeis and Ittig* Rertilemena hoots an-i '•iioe6 St. ckm.'tif do. do. I.a tii« ptnnell i nhoe:* C h Mreii'a lea'her hoot» an<l »tiopa do. I'.rinit d fmeka ami tro*«er3 Pl«ck and ..tiler "ilk* h indkerchie t 1^ bile cottOJi s ( ckotg* B-a<e<, po.a, .ipedle*. hhl<-k« white, and thsS., Ift^gWi, bat, bar, tooth, «hoe at;d $'uriiilure li?n«htS, Rark, br<id, and aide combs /'.rtket an.l damh• ff do. Unaeiaitiii' t^a c-i ldie» a;id Wu^k IIOT{F* Oeiitlern-.n'ii portable dr saiiic <;a«e«,rttitlswiff h."'< e* K'oltl h(»lil ami I.ocilet irtni. be» Stock lot'k", "lilt b'tiga and «afh piilliea, A irenernl aaaortment of «i»ti.marv. c.>iiipri'"in»s /'aper, pen* A t^.olla, red & b ack ink, playing I'ardf, bi'l*

A hav M a r e 14 hand* high s'ar or diamond on (he branded T S on the t.ff hip, black points, ha.I •n a l.'8'her c.d'f., w h c i misaed, A reuard of '"ive Pounds will be pai I "on conviction of ih-- offr-oil^r if.atoltn C i I -•r|lllt>. XiC <XC. . , or ^'1 will 'e P'id to whoever will bring her to Captain Klei;ant e n gla^a decantern, lumldera, *n?ar ba?oa«, cruel*, ftcou if siriyol. &c "Ac. Cl!>. S C O T T . Kip antl Kini' lei'h^r. m n k»t (l;n', »in nnd earihp^ Melbourne, March 30ih J8M. atareni'lk dishet. ettrrv tMtmhaand hor^e b^n«he«, no a-s.ift^. n«n( tvf iia'N, ! rench picklesi Cuisj-ling ol a'.-chovie^, oiive* "Till?. ininVr«'t;ni-<l nt-at reap'.'Cl'iil'y '"-j;" leave to in. end Cap. r«, Ac. Ac. A c feroi Gentle««n a rl Ttave!er«, that he hna opened a Meth.irt.fl. M , t r ih-5TI.. 1 3 ^ . Store aod l.oo«e of acc.'iiO'fation. on »...e li«m.- Hirer Port 1'h.llip cro«»ing plsi'-e. »h.-re he ba« e»i» antly on Rile an morlnieat of Wi.»-» »nd Spirit"; al»o b.>trle.! JV-O'* leive to in.' 4-n tli^ pa*>Me ••' M-bnor^e, <!tit h-t AlrtanJ i'or«i-, oi tlia bd*i qi'al sy, ait I on re n.iiialilt. ,i« en>n tiancxd ' < 5 -V *<• U K '5.1 )S il V, to I Itta' lie la tloV* I«rci4. rea y ,,i trtk • ehtrge at nrikloi; «»»» or "tiler cjsile-, bf K O EliT EBO'VXK. h- • B V or »eek.- """vrmi. la. p« t h ad. Bia^a Ilife»V • A ^ - ' y «i Air. M.i.sisit.t!*, Ci/ill.lli"#il(Jc|jr