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  • ' "i!'- > ft * - »>«" *"*««»«

ARRIVALS, n l ' n " f ' m * " ; ' *uh«d.r _ o«„,d*eil4w / ; ,*w April 2. /o 9rA. T h e wood are W O N . « , , , „ , i u c ,eu»r.ll, .

    • «/>•?, Trundle, Sheep, fmrn George To»ii.

lean sue. In ,** persons w h o lave beer, absent only . &p*nj. Whitinp, Sheep, from do. few days on tlte.r return espres. p!e 88e d ietlhg&l ,«, >ft*-rj ,-«,ro, Laatrjr, Mtecliandfer, from « e b a r t T o * n , ,.nseal he very evident »u»»oceiP«nt jof this flonrishin ftnd rasseit|;ers. but newly.settled town. Adelaide, Merchandise from launceston, About 180 allotments bare been sold here, and the firt '< 1'amar, Shtep, h"om George Tu<vn. hundred in June lS37-U,e eighty lots in November las, , . DEPARTURES. - a n d a.ready more than two hundred buildings £ l o Atjnihi Culler, f.atsnctrsion. ready (or nearly so) for dwelling in. Jndwf , tieorg. T o w n , it. bailait, Ihese f,w Allotments cost the PecpU above &xrn Hentj) do. in ha last, Thousand I'owute.-vhat Colony of Britam can equai ttlM frntrrj, izej Laui ccston, wool, 62 La!a«. for enterprise mid industry. Jetnifiic do. ENGLISH NfcVPS. _ THeSp.BtJti W«n.-Tliedeieai ofiSie Hriiish frffion at Andnato

iscalrolaiedto dispuii ilte CiirUtinos, «lio. n-i sil„i„„ a , 0j . - i w r hatried of ihe Brithl: iroons, arp <juu«. » u 8 r e u) die » tentietfd b? litem. T h e L e g i m di..pi.Jt .1 gnai bib» t ,y. A ! c n e ., stood ihe brunt of a supeiinr lorce, and oilow.d iisell io he Cui io W E AIM T O LEAD N O T DRIVE, I itcss. H a d the Spaniarda >l.e»n anj iliing tike anrii aalldoirr lite* W s have seen and had some conversation will, 'u «„,,,•<on!d mil have li»»o liad n o * to deplore die |.t«aetue c, ».Vi ( a . m a n lately returned from South Australia. , I B ^ a losin the neiftl hontho-.d ot ibei. Etei sitting a r pe«, 6 »,, :.t |„ than:,,, Government there have cot a „ „ . l bl citnlnsioii in ftlalnd, end none tun loit-s.e (he n,,f|,oi. T : csiih u m goods and ( m o n g e r s from the vessel, ., ° ptcaili olCailosis not die onls ihmg u,e.idrri. c. ii'(i,.acie*arn«li,«d cf Jt-BOO. and that the charge of w h a r T . f expense of, and -eveial airesis have isken |.|aee o, pa lies <i,»»ei led. Z*. s e OI ua.eigni is lo ailmire on Cnadaifina a.,d die noilhirn <iiain of , ,, ,, _ ,

  • Hariage is ess iberet- n

.iKtnntains which rons wilbin Iwtnlt miiea ol A/oiltid, e.hilt t-.-tji^rg, .1 Melbourne, where as jet nulhing ,,» been done ,n be u k e e po»ses>.loi> nf Toledo, and seenn » flic r. m e of At.dulaua and

  • hnrf accommodation w a y ; »<c»nt feilino. . ,

Estratnailura. D u n C m l o s and th^ Infante'wiI tnjcfc n., a renin,! e8 - W e respectfully call ,„? L « e Z n of f. r " " "* - j!U«i!;on, MI ssto co-Oj eiale vtidl ellhei a.aij, o i m o . e dlfc'li Jirun «- '.Ins fact. particular., at m u ^ J t ° ° ^ Alatirid, wh 1 n lint orras'i.ti .rT^is. 'J'he ohjeci oi ihe Catltsi* in to per on. who lanu must wade ashore through wafer .nd prevciil die (J.ietn ftfgen! and ihe bah) W o r i n fiom r e m el-.jr lo mod. „r else pay fc, being c e d .hrou.h if. " II * « . ™ t'aniz. sn tm dot.hi l.o'd Palmeriooti tvouici add |ieiaevere tn tits blind polity, arid coh'inne to i'pttoid a numia^l Bintioii y. l.ttJij « ...ft „ r;, and Constoaently ipu,ed f|„j,h J*J * Cat!o« is not siisjons lo ha-ien mailei• out ol iheirdnacunts* tii3 . i..,,r/7«lnc!i vrant, be remedied i„ one short ^access appear* reitain, an,I )* hus onls so ^neid i.t'si. .1 a t..;.ifi«e month. I wenly ffovvt, servant. „r«r. i . . ,.r some nitu.viai d evenl lu secure it. He «ill lit., <:i|, /. Madrni, ttte 8 le rft d co..ld effect th,.%ery desiralfc end Tie's ' " ' 'I'i he will ittvea, it ; and unltss Lord 1'olnier.i,,,, stud, assistance lo .esparcdlromthe „ork they ^ ,'Z'JZl die Quetn,lie will enter i> alien, vei lie thinks hi. P O H T L O S L — Li.bon, Sept, 1 9 — II.rib oi u beii lo die dirrnr..^. T h e Q n r . n ha« he. n s.dely ttelivertd of « Hide printe, ha ,<;»...ii( ,, f&i i« our l ounden d„,v a I *„ "J^™ *™ s"b'-'- «e hi» fs'her, and plump as bis m o i her, hc^,,, p,rd origit.dy by oUr7^:, :r^:;:: ^ K C * F T . — T h e oi r, rrmrrre io rnclard is ,, ,-,,ai;. . poweilidly in Kny, i. All In.Miie.s in Alexandria i« at a". .JrWrd at bis e v p e n c e since A l o n g , , s , , ,' ' d e s t r o y e d w e fear b y l h l boatmen ' i n ' ^ , * £ £ public ronfid.nre annihiai. d Surh is .ihe .coici.y.oi geotl pa1, er iliai large n m u t a n r e s in ,»retie lad b u n le,tr 1> m a d e in Lt'glicia r. nage of .he gonda .,.-,„..,«, ,,.„, the^I ,ch,f * e "ilitsin a liwn, and os ..^e labnr .,t , i • '•"-'toe' and Maiseilles- T h - Pacta «i!! not >elt lii> la-ee M u k »if t o u t * roii.if one ol 00,1'fO bal. i, lor Itss M a n 10 si.d ( n. -e vliij't,' I «.,' - r y Kreat, and can b dor, by " °! ZtZ*

  • "

T »hdi 11, bed. ihiiiku of effering j,im rnme ll.a.i eitl t tbolers. 'I |„ „ •••" •«> otne, cipence.w* do t ,,, ,.,,"' '"nt"""">lis.- m i lot n a i,.us5( li, n ,-j, a oion 11, past, tiuiein) ollir fc ai . •„ of'rade is tqn^!| du)!. Sv.1v2aa1.ssn — I h e Fwiss Astaeistion <or do 1'n rnotir;. of Pi b . the master or capiat,, is (V,.r 6u „ nca„fiim^^ [n lie Wellare held ilnir meeting -iliii sea. 'II,. toti-.y pioposts III ilteil m- re partit-idatly (he inn»i,.-.imi OIJBI,., p,.i„ , ot en nal imp., n a n re ; itopniar etiiiraiinn, naiit-iisl It dn^i -. st it I.a ben plan ( f relief for lie | om. O n die M.bjeci 11 edntVus t, d,« •r iriy rente to an .msnimens rrsnlmion dial mi etiht-sii...) v.s tf He G.tvrr.tme,,. baye ,,„ p,J,ol, . „„, / ' "^ S si.y value, if i' did nol p n po.e rrt'i^l t., I»t v a i i. n 0i,.i m i p n , ni „j as ihe ptisnaty objrri td i't p'mieatears. Ztllwt p,r, frt in s?i e;A|i. t. bad sent in a treatise to cot d. .'tin any inn lie rear eon die p a n of G o vernment in WHtieis connn-red vtitli Hie c o n law.. , i rtc " » ' ' dibe he a<'m tied ihe ptcnliar posMi.n of ^stiixtr an.1 nn.le it df-i sb,e io lonu n.ogasuits of Hour a« a jiro,lsHU agani!l (imes of And too, in a pon, ., here the quarter's cnginfn, and

  • "" a n d si n't i.y.

d u e s (all but h i t * shot i o i £ . O O O ,a« £<i X P E I Q H S I S E S m ^i n o t , — T h e O X Jn,iie« of 11 .r C ' ren% B e n h act ro.litis* lo a"i-ei.l oshge, rtnives annua h Bf ( hristrrjs s a tls of broad elodi f m m (!(a. tvSell Hall, a"d'j sit leans of ensloil... Ac, Ac.. .1 |, ,„„ces.0„ ,„d George T0,v„ Tie ..•par. m i si nt. d I.. Inn by Ihr r(l:nrs . n Ihe plen s,,li of Ihe t nun. ou. tola, ... 4 «,«j | fc 3 d , ,„„ .,..,„ ,,, J-'.u. h Puisne .l.tdge .eeises anndally, ac< nrdiiig tc ancieAift.?.?,•.a small silver [.)aie and riclfkru h-aves of tagai, )i.ei- m t d by (bti. ifi"««!. |,„. .p.aka v,,,,,,,,., .„ „:v„„rul lbriI'J , r t o "i. ihe plea side .if die Court. ^colt,,,,,,,, a h u ,„t r^rfl.ty „|,icb induces H t „ | , . B „ 6 „ . Gl( V B JU;.. I — In I to Qneri.fs Brnc h e.eiy co^n«i I tttin m«l es a motion on die 'a*t (lav of term, wbelbrf ii be an or1^ ,l»lfii«io.nor io tti k»- a role lo sin w rsnse alisoluie, pass 2>. r 0. die fits' m»itir.,j and Is. lor PS' h snertd'og, 'Ihe R.olley is colieclrrl by Mr- Al.'ri.-tce, PS .Ippioy far die fmsier, ens lie hsnds it •>:er to tl-e c'eik of T,,Kt„„„of M, ibonrne „ rapidly ircr. a.irg in popn'alb. jntpnr J.idee. T h e woftpj is tlisirilioied by die Judges iaclia.ils. -.... .i.„ ,.,.,.,,„,„. •!•,„. „ BlI)li , l , , , „ . , ) l * „ . . ; „ ; , , „ In d p Ksihtqnp. ilu motiry is t ollt-t ted bt tie nsb-is, and far the i« 'i : m brick hous.g in „,„,), , ( l n t Cl ,|,ln r u 0 : e ( t iM, • an,, pin post, bai ibp eherce is Is. lot , a- h ftio/ion. K n s s f K . — 1 lie ti'inj.nred death oi Abd-> I Kad'> is enn'rai'irrcd by the last a.'vt^es ft. in Algitts. The t ^nip ol flee'n a li^'1 I'.'tr* by 5,000 l:o:s- raan ol A'l nil's simt, *iu to p.lcs.s.f, t pnlsrd v i h lohs. 'I lie people of 'lifers voold in.i a, ki •*•)»,'re die trt aty, a...( piiil ri tused It. allovt iht Vi^neh io <r*. i s bti. « . A N I i ..Kadi i .'O'.lil" llieiefire be tbligttl ;o go end .v a'n iltj Heals io Ihe p joi'itii. .-• !.l ib*i V sin. e. tifo.eil e I'.iefh ' ,«.** 1st •-• _ %.s-:e« ••«•, el 111- p'ai t. Ifer VtHe K.ssin » a d I* :»ilti#-


