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JPCrTRY. ' Bi.t n teeeaA ei.atnraea..r.~

t';arnvpr "»s rnntepl*. f c»*s dropl nn», nnrl

lo.tiie carri. i „r ih'tn, •• fTftday • .In y o u rafry . •»*• in a ha- hex * " Ves, said the man, 1 Ike In have tbtri freait at d fret'l.

T H f . * * e e , tenea, stO.IJS n.t.siral. H i v e it.e.l n e o n m i iniei., Stn*. penile cot, tl.o.i "e'er .uust cVtaouf T't se sln.p'r .."le'.-sjain. feepea' n o n.'.rr her tMviill.ttP air, 1'itt II net that I. P.ter strS'lt; It cliauertt »»i*ti I...n. rwi lips t. fall, B u t ae'er c a n e*itir,i»»i:ati..

IOU S I D N E Y IHRICT. r ! e Fne pew j ai iiel srhouner •'A'a'e" burthen pe-r«» I s'rr P2 'rirfl. Ih..mas I)IX»N roinmnoler. w Usal f»r (ha

ft1. Ifcreie....n o n. .ir-|nat plaintive ale. Silts ">..t ,!.,< C 'tat-r a'r.ii, ; It "iee h .1 . tyi.,.., in. ftp-her life,

f tr

i e

iwjitfys—• •

.hi se port nis tr at out ihe 6'h ol A p " l , tor ireighp of | asshge Rp; >y to ihe ri n •>.• s..|,r, en I. a d , or io » a VARtE'lRS A n urn J F.VRI. frSSfB'T.— Mytre'invs Diemninp. — An Inquest w»» Js'iould snffievi t induct uieltt « Ser she <* ill ptocetd by le'da; the Br'.dt well, o.' M oiday, before Ilenrv H a r d y , f.'»q. Coroner, on ibe body ot a m a n united Kdinund any of l.fctiii.ttls.ii.

  • wetny. -of B a U .ncoll.g, w h o had teen raisaitg aince the

'.gbtot the lOih December, nnl't Soiida*,, w h e n lite rer u n s wet s .1 «c»>eretl in ihe r ver lee, n landed in the -»e r aS.ive Wellington-bridge. N u m e r o u s report-, pre R'ELROUIvNI--, IDliT Plll.l II*. •*-j>i1e I »» to the «v.i,«e ol h a dealli, in consequence of a 5 U P P I I t.S io ihe Tiase ler aid St jour, er, all ilia turns, rahpetre fcsg. hebo ping lo ibe powder mills • uoiaitrk t i n Itoaidii-g and II..t. I ami ot ih- Very laving been d His head, as also from ihedreams. rival q. a' ty, being tut atly l.,i.l in Ir.m ihe titgi Mercautda . V a m a n "ri W.nuin, which Were tiarlly confirmed by the il.illsr in Cornwall V . |). I.anil, in a,id i on to tsbtcb there s* rc-m«t»'.c a under wloch ihe cnrp*e was discovered. ,i dl be I..I.I.d in. n al rscriaiii.ii uf a high nr.ler. T'ere TJte former | Tlionwa lli.».i| »w.,re In his having dream -,e pr.nide.l a »e'« ' ' g'iab and five Colonial we'k'y news* a short fine after the deceased vt as m »»ed thai he appenren •a, er«. S. veil British M » < ihly Maraiirtrs, three" Br,|i»h lorltim anil told hun tlia. he had bee., at ackett »n the ynarterly Itevi-s, p in Ocluber 183/. A v-ry ch.iica lent* ,-f the fiver, m a r Iniscwrra bridge, and that I'1* svleclii.n of i unka including >ovels, I'uwir) , Theuljgy, f-.ily »•>•- then in ibe Le:-. lie limber dreamed thai th [listi.rv. A c . a^p-tnli" i. had Rivets, bill.a .ing to give to Ida (deceased's) N . B- A '.a'e t ncyctoppdin, any of those works will ba father, and shortly nf er he ar.ise from If* ha I, and 6iii"d ree to the l.udgers et 'b- above Hotel, »« Int band » ring am.lnr to that which appeared'» Melbourne le y. 2 / h. 1?38. h m m fos tin a m I Tiie dream l.yso heavily on -he m'"d of Brown-, thai he acquainted the d-ce i.ed's family w u h s.tss giving thfin the.rug, vth'ch was prod need on the In q.."SI, w h e n the broth, r oi ihe deceased Mated that be bad rs -ei, such a one with h m i l bis |.f . ime. file dream of the A L L those hand«oni' k n o w n a* the «• Angel •ero,.,n, whose , a m - wa« II rry. .»a< It wa« tin*; — A-*eeh helirt tlted ce„*ed ral ed, lolling her 'bat on Inn, " annate at the corner ol y.teeii and ('ol|ms s re t. S'lnday hta butty would be found at Suioliy's well W e i r , the hnuae cumpnaee, three I'arboirs, four H tl Koomst, •Wth a rwg _•«>». rriii* I eed. .Tsua sire acquaint, d m a n y »i h Hail Bidard It. on. 85 X 2 0 & IS feet in height, three and the dream Wi.s, «e w e hs.e staled, fully rea'iled. A upstairs B o o m s , all Uiriiiabed In Ihe first i-o.«ilile atyle, C.rcums'nnee w h e n it-nded m o c n to create suspicion res hkew.sea sp'aei»«a 'lap Isoiim, ,:0 'li large Kitchen p e e i n g tbe> m o d e of Sweeney's death was the f.iet of the oven w.tlt aer»ant«, and .nber outbiiildiugt, hoMe-which he rode .MI the night of hi" d.n'.b fcfh.g fts.ind the House will be let wiiir the ol ihe l u r m n r o on the iotiowing i,iurn."g in a port o! M r . To'.in's ground. ( . o m p l e e ) liil'iard table, II m e licence, Kitchen lilens>n, winch he CIMIIII >i»ve-only got fry-crnasmg lh- river, si's, (yr * c . tiood seco'iiy will he req I'red ( a re« thich was then so flooded a- to m a k e it impossible 'or nnv tpectable Tenant, the Bent I ih > per annum, payabhj animal to w i m it. After several w.tne»«p* » n e examined, Qinritrly, lurMtture. Billiard Table, A c * c b« r.ntr edat ihe end ol the nertud, allowing reasonable tiie piry returned R vtrdio o f — F o u n d drowned, isAMILK of "oeuLAK VV|r —•• Y e s , it," rejoined M r ware, fur further p.nicolas e q ' " on the premisea Melbourne, .March the 8>h. IRt*. V" idler, "W.iis vt r if. ia -rghi, »« the young



KUaaUiSai33153 STOIIH.

avte'l) reniark'd vet. tiny pin h m .'own in flie pension •«u,e bis m o t h e r * male's vile'* erandfainer vniiece 'it die JOHN HUCKLEY King'* pip* w u h § portable tinder-hog.— I'ichwick /'«B F O ^ respenf.i'ly i<> '"*•'"'• " e P uh, ' e « 9 m ' ,f,e /"* EXPLICIT IKVOFMAT'O*.- Deputy Recislrar —Can vol, hb.ta t. »i the .Miirri.mbi.teee. thsi ha ho- opened a te.ll ine'how old your husband was, m v good w o m a n ? fl-neral Store in the above neighbourhood, where a. W i d o w - " Ves, sir, 1 was nineteen years old when m v gene.a' u.t.nlment ol luerct.audise will be disposed of mother died; m y poor mother has beer dead iweol.t,- ..n ntoJeiate term*. tt-M.r year* lasi Hr.tlf.rd I .'r ; and in v I.oah.od v>as thirteen years older ilints I am.—flal'fcx /"Vtm»». A neat a-d „.ef..J fo< r oar.d B O A T , carriea erne .on the American Chain /.v.— '• W e ate born in a hnrrv," smi a h a f, d.a.l w. igl.i s»y* an Anitiitan ssruer, '* v.e e r e t d t c i i d ai speed. at the office of this paper. i r.r pari «u ar» erq »re W e m a k e a for .me w u h ihi w,.veof » v and, aid i> ir. like m a m tr, to, re n.ok.- and r, li se. it in il e twu kbiig Tl'li Tf.S -' «n»cripli.>n per Quarter ten si, |'|ne«; if of an rye. . Oilr b.dy :s . loctoi.oiivj', ir^Vrllinir a. „., n.'id O.'i.neriy, b.u viarly.ftff *hilli,.g-. X m g l e leu le gltes nn httrr ; unr apiiii a b gli |ir-s»ore engine; mil pe.trt u t i t e j, AnVl,ui't S.11F. IS - l o n r sh.U out li »• re-ernhi s H N!,. ultt.g star, aid tiealii surprises tt tBTiers O'ft sbl ling. AUVi^n." like »n electric "tr. ke. ' Z for ever. ...verlianen. „.„ ,*«e«,a<, ev?',/ l-»ea and ' (,'emt't fnctihj.— S!>s«!t "s. in It'a'ir.ern .ir«, sail » mar ,"* ' ..._. Tiieto o m n a d the M d h o u r n a was obs»r»e.i ev.-ry Saturday, d- 1> a d nearly al the stn. •A.-ee ,,. nee per 'Hie a-ler. iite.u . sur, : ., pass

  • tre,

I linin lo-d ca.ry. ".tlo d " P - ^ V T | 7 n „„., rimT^'lPO bv 1 P. FWK. hour:•* rsasabluisten i.l.n.r- p. nlre, I.OMIO... rat-rvie "' S •"> ' > «.d»r inaiiflii? other! ul.-.o.i .Ne»s> apr hai-b.i*«...lejtt* ..rinAil mlia'd an' ofitie street t HlMrnu a • _ ./, u « t7'/i£i't ^rfj.e, V td.eriifier aie m n c b wider anj eterutoied (.find,«, . ha. the bi.a ct.n.i.i.e.l, came itp«. j Stilt, it »"« -'^ ^ g " " ^ ^ ti 6sW'aJuuptljvaudsBUu.tAfed to ruti ax •.inn m e bos, so *»

FOIi SAL.r-,