Page:Cicero And The Fall Of The Roman Republic.djvu/280

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Cicero's Recall.
[57 B.C.

to bring Clodius to justice, but found his family connections too powerful. He then resolved to meet Clodius with his own weapons and himself hired a band of gladiators; many of Cicero's friends seem to have contributed to bear the expense. The two champions fought out their quarrel much in the fashion of the Montagues and Capulets, and neither could drive his adversary from the field. It was sufficient however for Milo to hold Clodius in check, and so soon as he accomplished this, the public feeling in favor of Cicero's recall bore down all other obstacles. Meanwhile the Senate refused to transact any other business until this measure was carried through, and it passed decrees commending Cicero's safety to the protection of all magistrates in the provinces, and giving thanks to those communities which had sheltered and comforted him.[1]

At length after months of obstruction the bill was again introduced. The Senate, combining the advice of Cotta and of Pompey, now issued a proclamation that all who desired the salvation of the State[2] should come to Rome to vote in Cicero's cause, and at the same time they decreed that, in case the vote should be delayed for more than five lawful days, they invited Cicero to return as a citizen under no legal condemnation or disability. On the strength of this invitation Cicero crossed over into Italy and landed at Brundisium on the 5th of Aug., 57 B.C.August. Here the whole population of the town went forth to greet his landing, and

  1. Pro Sestio, 60, 128, and Pro Domo, 32, 85.
  2. Pro Domo, 28, 73.