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The following letter was addressed by Mr. D. Girouard, M.P., to the Catholic Bishops of the Province of Quebec:—

Montreal 28th February, 1880.

My Lords—The discussion on the hill to render legal marriages between brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law began last night, as your Lordship will have seen from to-day's newspapers. The point meeting with most opposition is the recognition by the State of the right to give dispensations in the case of the impediement resulting; from affinity.

Would your Lordship be content to see Art. 125 of the Code repealed in order to legalize such a marriage without further ado? Do you not think that in that case the right of giving dispensations would be sufficiently protected?

An answer addressed to me at Ottawa will oblige

Your obedient servant,

D. Girouard.

The following answers were received:—


Montreal Telegraph Co., March 2, 1880.

By telegraph from Rimouski to D. Girouard.

Letter received this morning. What you propose will suffice and satisfies me.

Bishop of Rimouski.


Montreal, 29th February, 1880.

My Dear Sir,—I certainly think that Article 127 sufficiently establishes the right to grant dispensations, and that your plan to legalize the marriages in question by amending Article 125, will be for the best.

I wish you every success. Yours faithfully,

Edouard Chs., Bishop of Montreal.


Bishopric of Three Rivers, March 5, 1880.

D. Girouard, Esq., M.P.

{{smallcaps|My dear Sir,}]—I regret that your bill for the legal recognition of marriages between brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law cannot pass as it was hrought forward. Nevertheless, the repeal of that prohibition in article 125 of the of the C.C. being favourable to the liberty of the Church, I have no objection to its simple repeal, leaving the dispensation of that impediment as well of the other impediments, to the authorities designated in article 127

I remain, etc.,

† L. F., Bishop of Three Rivers.


{{right|Sherbrooke, 1st March, 1880.

D. Girouard,Esq. M.P., Ottawa.

Sir,—I think it is sufficient to repeal Article 125 of the Code in order to legalize the marriage now before Parliament. I am also of opinion that the right to grant dispensations is sufficiently safe-guarded by Article 127.

But would it not also be àpropos to repeal at the same time. Article 126 which prohibits marriage between uncle and niece, aunt and nephew

I am, sir, Your obedient servant,

Antoine, Bishop of Sherbrooke.


Archbishopric of Quebec,
Quebec, March 1, 1880.

D. Girouard, Esq, M.P., Ottawa.

Sir,—Replying to your letter of 28th February; 1. It is most desirable that the bill concerning the marriage of brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law should pass, such as amended by you, for it would be of service not only to the Province of Quebec, but to the whole of Canada as well. 2. By contenting yourself with repealing the second part of Art. 125 of the Civil Code of Lower Canada, you will no doubt provide in a satisfactory manner for the legalization of these marriages in our Province, but not in the other Provinces, and each one of them will in turn ask for the passing of a law more or less contrary to the rules of the Catholic ecclesiastical discipline. With us. Article 127 maintains the impediment until removed by a dispensation, but will the same be the case in the other Provinces?

I have the honor to be, sir,
Your obedient servant,

E. A. Archbp. of Quebec.