Page:Cihm 08290.djvu/12

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At the Synod of the Canada Presbyterian Church, which was held in Toronto, in June, 1867, the question: How men who had married the sister of a deceased wife should he dealt with by the Church Courts? came under discussion twice. One John Cunningham, who had been suspended from the membership of the Church by the Kirk Session of New Glasgow and Kintyre, appealed against the decision of the Presbytery of London, which had confirmed the action of the Session. The Synod, by a vote of 137 to 5, affirmed the decision of the Presbytery. The other case was as follows: — The Kirk Session of Knox's Church, "Woodstock, Ontario, had referred for advice to the Presbytery of Paris the case of a Mr. Sherran, who had married in this relation. The Presbytery, "after due deliberation, instructed the Session to suspend Mr. Sherran in the meantime from the membership of the Church, and recommended the Session to overture the next meeting of Synod on the whole question." The Session of Woodstock accordingly submitted an overture to the Presbytery of Paris, which was by them transmitted in due course to the Synod. It was received by the Synod and partly discussed. Finally it was agreed "That the further consideration of this overture be postponed until the next meeting of Synod."