Page:Cinque Ports Act 1821(ukpga 18210076 en).pdf/2

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1° & 2°GEORGII IV. Cap. 76.

except so far as the same are altered by this Act; be it therefore enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same,

Lord Warden to appoint Comissioners to determine Differences relative to salvage That it shall and may be lawful for to the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports for the Time being to nominate and, appoint, by any Instrument or Instruments under his Hand and Seal, Three or more substantial Persons in each of the Cinque Ports, Two ancient Towns, and their Members, to adjust and determine any Difference relative to Salvage (which may arise) between the Master of any Vessel and the Person or Persons bringing such Cables and Anchors ashore; and in case any Ship or Vessel shall be either forced or cut from her Cables and Anchors, by Extremity of Weather, or by any other Accident whatever, and leave the same in any Roadstead, or other Place within,the Jurisdiction of the Cinque Ports; Two ancient Towns, and their Members, and the Salvage cannot be adjusted between the persons concerned, then the same shall be determined by any Three or more of the said Persons so to be appointed as aforesaid, within the Space of Twenty-four Hours after such Difference shall be referred to them for their Determination thereof; any Usage or Custom to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding; Comissioners to appoint a Secretary or Registe, subject to the Aprobation of the Lord Warden Provided always, that such Commissioners shall, immediately after their nomination, proceed to elect some fit and proper Person, who shall be a Notary or Master Extraordinary in Chancery as their Secretary or Register, except to the Port of Dover, where the Register for the Time being of the Court of Admiralty of of the Lord the Cinque Ports shall be the Register;Proceedings to be entered and which Secretary, or Register, shall enter in a Book, to be kept for that Purpose, all the Proceedings of such Commissioners, and also a Copy of the Awards to be entered. which they shall from Time to time make; but such Election of Secretaries, or Registers, shall be subject to the Approbation of the Lord Warden for the Time being.

Power to Commissioners to settle all Differences which may arise.II. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners to be appointed as aforesaid, to decide on all Claims and demands whatever, which shall or may be made by Pilots, Hovellers, Boatmen, and other Persons, for Services of any Sort or Description rendered to any Ship or Vessel, as well for carrying off from the, Shore to such Ship or Vessel any Anchors, Cables, or other Stores from any Part or Port of the Coast of Kent, Sussex, Essex, or the Isle of Thanet within the jurisdiction aforesaid, as for the conducting and conveying such Ships and Vessels from the Downs, and other bays and Roadsteads on the Coast of Kent, Sussex, and Essex, and the Island of Thanet, or from the Sea or any other Place, to Ramsgate, Dover or any other Harbour, Port, or place, on the said Coasts,- within the Jurisdiction aforesaid; or for the saving and preserving within the jurisdiction aforesaid,any Goods or Merchandise wrecked; stranded; or cast away, fron any Ship or Vessel, the Master or owners thereof, or their Agents; being present at the Place where the Commissioners shall be sitting; and that the said Commissioners shall have shall Power and Authority to hear and determine on all Cases whatever of Services rendered by Pilots, Boatmen, and others, to within the jurisdiction aforesaid, whether such Ships or ves-