Page:Civilization and barbarism (1868).djvu/19

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ous pages, but even when exalted by passion, there, is internal evidence of a fund of impartiality which cannot fail to be recognized, and by whose light true characteristics are given to persons, and a natural coloring to events. . . . It is no less interesting to analyze South than North America. This can only be done by the philosopher, the traveller, the poet, the historian, the painter of manners and customs, the publicist. Señor Sarmiento has succeeded in realizing this object in this work, which he has published in Chili, and which proves that if civilization has enemies in those regions it also has eloquent champions."

This work and other productions of his pen, secured to Señor Sarmiento in Europe, which he subsequently visited, the acquaintance of many prominent men: M. Guizot, M. Thiers, Cobden, then ambassador in Spain, Alexander Dumas, Gil de Zarate, Breton de los Herreros, Ventina de la Vega, Aribou, and other literary Spaniards; Baron Humboldt, and many others. Pope Pius IX., then in the meridian of his glory, sent for him as cousin of the Bishops Cuyo, Oro, and Sarmiento, whom he had known in South America. All institutions of education were thrown open to his study in the portions of Europe which he visited, and to so well-prepared a mind, everything was full of significance, even failures, both educational and political. Dr. Wappäus; Professor of Geography and Statistics in