Page:Claire Ambler (1928).djvu/142

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Greek theatre—and you know I walk slowly! You see, you mystify me and——"

"No!" she exclaimed. "Isn't that lovely! Do I? How?"

"In every way; but in particular about a detail of your conduct that Mr. Rennie and I were discussing, Miss Ambler."

"Indeed? So you weren't just talking of me; you were discussing me! What was the detail of my conduct you had the debate about?"

He shook his head dubiously. "I'm afraid you won't like it. Mr. Rennie had been dining with the Principessa Liana. The apple of her eye, it appears, is her youngest son, who's spent the last two winters with her here at their villa. I'm afraid the princess doesn't think you've been making Don Arturo very happy, Miss Ambler."

"Doesn't she?" Claire said quickly. "Does she consider that my special privilege?"

"No more than you consider it a special privilege for me to be talking to you about it," he returned. "But you remember you asked me to tell you?"

"Yes. I invited it. Please go on. What else did Mr. Rennie say?"

"He said he feared young Liana was taking things