Page:Claude McKay Constab Ballads.djvu/95

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sal’ : salt.

sail, in them : having a fine time of it. Pronounce sahl.

say. This is often an intrusive word of no significance: e.g., “Jes’ becausen say dem poor so” = Just because they are so poor.

Say mumma, &c.? = Does he say mamma is sinking?

see’m : see him.

seems : it seems.

self : even. “No wut gill self ” = not even worth a gill.

sen’ : send.

sence : since.

se’p me king : so help me God.

shedah : shadow.

shet : shut.

’side : beside.

shouldn’ : shouldn’t.

slimber : slender.

S.M. : Sergeant Major.

snappy: ill-tempered.

so : such.

so-so : only; nothing but; bare.

soun’ : sound.

sport : sporting character.

’spose : I suppose.

stan’ : stand.

swea’ : swear.

sweet me : give me pleasure.

Syrian-boy : negro working for a Syrian pedlar.


talk, wi’ sure : my eboe-light will surely talk,—i.e., teach you a lesson by means of the drubbing it will give you.

’tall : at all.