Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 2).djvu/111

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he kept his promise, little as folks think of me now, I can assure you, Mam'selle, I should have been an heiress, for he owned two very fine vineyards and an excellent house, and several large flocks of sheep; and with all those I think I might have held up my head pretty high."

"I think you hold it up high enough already," said Agatha, who had entered before the conclusion of the speech.

"Not higher (replied Floretta pertly), than I have a right to do."

"That point might be disputed," cried Agatha.

"Oh, not at present," said Madeline, to whom every sound was irksome, that did not convey some tidings of the Countess.

Father Bertrand continued a considerable time with the Countess; and when he left her, he passed hastily through the dressing-room. Madeline then returned to the chamber, followed by Agatha, and resumed her station. The Countess did not