Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 2).djvu/113

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means of re-uniting me to those whom, while on earth, I must for ever mourn.

"For the sake of my beloved child I wish to be spared a little longer; with increasing years, she may perhaps acquire that fortitude which I fear she would at present want to support my loss. But should my wish be disappointed—should she arrive too late to receive my last blessing, my admonition against a sorrow, not only useless, but inimical to every duty—to you, Madeline, I entrust that blessing, that admonition for her; certain that, as one will be delivered by solemnity, so the other will be enforced with sympathy. Should it be my destiny never more to open my eyes upon her in this world, to you, Madeline, I leave the task of consoling her;—a task not unacceptable, I am convinced, to your grateful nature, and one well suited to its gentleness. She is already prepared to love and to esteem you; and, from a predilection in your favour, will listen patiently to all you say. Represent, therefore, to her (if indeed it