Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 2).djvu/139

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all that escaped him; it still sounds in my ears, and ascended to Heaven to call down vengeance on my head.

'After I had committed the execrable deed, I searched for a place to hide the body in; and having discovered a vault, I dragged it thither, and covered the traces of the blood with rubbish. Oh that the mouldering walls had crushed me to atoms, while thus impiously employed! Yet wretch as I am! Oh, why do I say so? Rather let me bless the Power, which mercifully granted me leisure to repent—which perhaps spared me then in order to warn others, by my narration and punishment, from crimes similar to mine.

"To be brief, my dear auditors, I pursued my original intention, and embarked for the West Indies, where every thing succeeded even beyond my expectations. It seemed as if Heaven allowed me to prosper but to prove how mistaken I was, in supposing wealth alone could give me happiness. Alas! dreadful mistake, to think any could be enjoyed from a fortune, whose foundation