Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 2).djvu/164

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which came with such violence against the doors, as almost to burst them open.

"Heaven defend us! (said Agatha), the storm grows worse, instead of better."

"Hark (cried Madeline, with a wild expression in her countenance, and laying her hand upon the arm of Agatha)—Hark!—there surely was a groan mingled in that blast."

"No, Mam'selle (said Agatha), 'tis only the howling of the wind."

"Again! (exclaimed Madeline);—Oh Heavens! (starting from her chair) 'tis the voice of the Countess!"

She rushed into the chamber, followed by her companions. The curtains of the bed were hastily drawn back, and the Countess was discovered in a fit: a scream of mingled terror and anguish burst from Madeline, and sinking on her knees, she clasped the nerveless hands of her friend between her's.