Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 2).djvu/201

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alas! how melancholy a scene did that light now display! in the centre lay the coffin, surrounded by a numerous body of monks from the neighbouring monastery, and the weeping domestics.

Madeline leaned, weeping, against a distant pillar, nor had power to move till the procession began; she then took a long mourning veil from Agatha, which she, knowing her intention of following the remains of her lady to the grave, had brought for her as soon as she entered the hall, and wrapping it round her, followed with the housekeeper.

The solemn requiem chanted by the monks, as they preceded the body, the glimmering light of the torches, carried by the servants, which as it fell in partial directions upon the old trees that canopied the garden walk through which they past to the valley, produced a thousand quivering and grotesque shadows; the melancholy notes of