Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 3).djvu/189

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the purpose of blessing, of acknowledging me as his son, of vindicating the fame of my injured mother.

"Elvira thought as I did; and while a tear of regret for my intended departure strayed down her cheek, congratulated me in the most fervent manner on the prospect there appeared of having my wishes realized.

"I set out unattended for the mansion of my father, which I entered, though with hope, with emotions that shook my frame; the domestics were prepared to receive me, and immediately conducted me to the apartment where their Lord lay, apparently much indisposed, and exhibiting but the ruin of those graces which had captivated the too susceptible heart of my mother.

"Trembling I approached, and knelt before him, supplicating by my looks his blessing.

'With pleasure (said he, extending his hand) I acknowledge you as my son; to disown you never was my intention.'