Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 3).djvu/19

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"True, (cried Madeline), those who think as you do, Lubin, are only truly happy."

Lubin now rambled away, and Madeline also arose and walked about.

The day was now far advanced,

"And in the western sky the downward sun
"Look'd out effulgent from amid the flush
"Of broken clouds, gay shifting to his beams."

Those beautiful clouds, and all his dazzling splendour were reflected in the clear bosom of the lake, along with its verdant banks; where the laurestine just beginning to blossom, and the arbutis already in bloom, reared high their beauteous heads, while its soft murmurs intermingled in the wild concert of woodland choristers: a thousand golden beams played upon the forest, heightening the richness of its autumnal shades, and as they illumined the distant mountains, discovering some of their most romantic recesses. The mind of Madeline was soothed by the charming scene, and she felt that while she retained her present taste for the works of nature, she could not be entirely insensible