Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 3).djvu/223

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hands, as far as in his power to make it, atonement for every wrong.

"And if such atonement satisfies heaven, (cried he) as we are assured it does, should it not amply satisfy weak and erring man?"

Agitation caused him to pause in the hall, and the domestics seemed pleased with the opportunity he thus afforded them of gratifying their curiosity; one of them bowing low at length spoke—

"The Marquis impatiently expects your arrival, my Lord, (said he); shall I have the honour of conducting you to him?"

St. Julian assented by an inclination of his head, and was immediately ushered up stairs to the apartment where his father sat.

On reaching the door he took the hand of Madeline, who with trembling steps had followed him to it.