Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 3).djvu/238

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like an old woman, I must always be prating; I only meant, my Lady, I can assure you, to say, that if it was known that the Count, your father, rejoiced at, instead of regretted, the death of his brother, no one could wonder at it, considering the reason he had to hate him as the usurper of his rights."

"And was this all you really meant?" asked Madeline.

"Oh, all, I do assure your La'ship, upon the word of a true Christian; if you do not believe me, I will call all the Saints in Heaven to witness for me."

Madeline could not help smiling:

"As it is a call, perhaps, (said she) they might not obey; I will take your word."

She now endeavoured to compose herself; but not easily could she regain composure, nor dismiss remorse from her mind, for having yielded, but for a minute, to the