Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 3).djvu/62

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Her heart almost died away as she viewed the opposite mountains, whose dark brows seemed rising above the clouds, and from whose black cavities the wind issued with hoarse murmurs, like the yells of midnight murderers.

"Ah! (cried she, shuddering) within those cavities perhaps the murderers of the countess—of Agatha—the intended murderers of Madeline, may be now concealed; before to-morrow perhaps I may be cold and inanimate, like those o'er whose sculptured urns I so recently bent."

At this instant she thought she heard the echo of a light step outside the building; her heart palpitated, she bent forward, and caught a glimpse of a female figure habited in black, gliding into the Monastery and followed by a man wrapped up in a large dark coat: That it was Madame D'Alembert and Lubin she beheld she could not doubt, and in a transport of joy she instantly flew to the