Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 3).djvu/77

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"Why, (cried Madeline) is it dangerous?"

"Not over safe indeed, but don't be frightened, Mademoiselle, (on seeing her suddenly stop) I shall bring you the shortest path through it."

"And when we get to the road we shall be safe, (cried Madeline) as there are cottages scattered all along it?"

"Yes, (said Lubin) but if you were in danger and expected any assistance from their inhabitants, you would be sadly disappointed, for those kind of people are so fatigued after their day's labour, that when once they get to bed one might as well try to waken the dead, as waken them: but don't be frightened, Mademoiselle."

"Frightened! (repeated Madeline) it is scarcely possible to be otherwise from the manner in which you talk; you have really made me tremble so that I can scarcely move."

"If you would condescend to accept my arm, Mademoiselle, we could make infinitely more haste than we do at present."